-0 years old-
Terminator 2 comes out
I’m born 6 days later.
Is there a connection?
-8 years old-
I make my stage debut as “Sleepy” in Snow White
-9 years old-
I perform “Who’s On First” alongside my 6-year-old brother
(we would reprise this several times as well as performing other Abbott/Costello sketches)
-11 years old-
I decide I want to be a spy and thus, I give up all my
creative endeavours
-11 years, one month old-
The CIA doesn’t return my calls
- 14 years old -
I get back onto the stage in a community theatre production of And Then There Were None
My English class critiques my first short story; I discover the joy of writing stories and taking people on adventures
-15 years old-
I write and direct my first short film,
"The Ballad of Billy Shears"
(no, you’ll never see it)
-16 years old-
Checker Liar Pictures is founded
I co-write & co-direct my first feature with Zach Caruso
I direct my first play, Inherit The Wind
Blaze of Glory (feature)
-17 years old-
I get accepted into Emerson College
My team and I win first place in the NJTSA short film competition with the original version of
“Retribution on Whitechapel”
I direct my 2nd feature
(another script from Zach Caruso)
Deeper & Deeper (feature)
Retribution on Whitechapel (original)
The Torment of Tantalus Crane
-18 years old-
I write and star in "The Dead Man’s Hand" as a class project.
(This would eventually become the script for Clockwork)
I submit the new script for "Retribution on Whitechapel" to FPS, the biggest film club at Emerson.
I duct tape a camera to a bike helmet in order to shoot a short film in POV
FPS accepts my script, but the director confesses that he hates and rewrote the whole thing. The night on that set is one of the longest of my life.
Dead Man’s Hand
Hand of The Red Death
The Vicious Circle
-19 years old-
I return to my roots and direct a theatrical production of
And Then There Were None as a charity fundraiser
I study film in The Netherlands
I join Warlords Productions - the Emerson action film club
Under them, I co-write and co-direct "Creative Differences", a short film about 2 writers trying to kill each other
I write and direct my 3rd feature film, Misfire.
On that shoot, I learn the importance of rehearsal, of having a clear theme for a film & of trusting your cast as collaborators rather than tools.
Misfire (feature)
Creative Differences
The Raven
-20 years old-
I write the first draft of the mind-reading sci-fi feature, Undermind
I am elected vice president of Warlords Productions
I begin to study sociology
Hide & Sneak
Treacherous Pursuits
-21 years old-
I study directing in Los Angeles
While in LA, I write the first draft of The Wolf’s Tale
I am elected president of Warlords
I get a chance to re-direct "Retribution on Whitechapel" under Warlords. That shoot is one of the best of my college career
Here’s How I See It
The Man in the Middle
Monster Movie
Music of the Night
Retribution on Whitechapel (the better one)
-22 years old-
I write my Honors Thesis on Undermind & various methods of mental/social control
I study (& eventually co-teach) how to stage & film fight scenes with Ted Hewlett (Hook, Star Wars I)
I graduate Magna Cum Laude from Emerson College with a degree in Directing
Shoot to Kill
-23 years old-
I bring my old theatre gang & my college colleagues together to shoot the short "Drifting"
(this is also where I meet Devin Dean)
-24 years old-
Getting back into theatre, I get to play my dream role of Katurian in Fearless’s production of The Pillowman
I have my first filming collaboration with Jessica Hadden
(due to a tragic bleaching accident the night before, I shoot the whole film with white hair)
The Hold Up
-25 years old-
I write and direct an original comedy for the stage -
I, Suspect: a who didn’t dunnit
I meet Director AJ Ciccotelli and begin performing in his plays
Diet TaB presents: American Splenda
Pieces of Osiris (still in post-production)
-26 years old-
AJ Ciccotelli asks me if I know any cinematographers. I offhandedly throw out that I can shoot pretty well. He hires me to shoot his upcoming romantic comedy,
Ripples of Water
I win the NJACT Perry Award for Best Original Play for I,Suspect
I help found DisruptEDtv & serve as its artistic director, cinematographer, & editor for 2 seasons
I connect with ReThink Theatrical and am hired to choreograph the fights in their production of MacBeth
Ripples of Water (feature)
It Could Happen
-27 years old-
I co-direct, shoot & edit the first season of the Antiques Roadshow parody, Clutter Luck
Clutter Luck (series)
-28 years old-
I work with ReThink again to choreograph the fights in their original musical production of Robin Hood
I play Hamlet with Monmouth Players.
-29 years old-
I fight choreograph & play Tybalt in ReThink Theatrical’s production of Romeo & Juliet
During the pandemic, I create the Marble Cinematic Universe
I spend 2 and a half months (and 1 Covid diagnosis) in North Carolina working on new screenplays
Funnel Web
Marble Cinematic Universe: Quarantine Prix
-30 years old-
I collaborate with AJ again to shoot my 5th feature,
Where Were We
Where Were We
I still haven't seen Terminator 2